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Through guided hypnosis, you will learn how to deeply connect your higher mind to a
significant other’s higher mind to communicate what you most need to say and hear
back. Experience a soul dialogue that will change the dynamics of the relationship with
awareness and compassion; and most of all a greater love for self and the other.
Prepare for a profound enlightening experience.

You will discover how to easily enter an alpha state to clarify what it is you really want to
manifest. Next, you will learn how to write your own powerful hypnotic words to be
recorded in your own voice. When you are ready, you will guide yourself into self-
hypnosis to bring forth what you most desire to create into physical reality.

PAST LIVES/FUTURE LIVES AND BEYOND: Is time travel possible? In a hypnotic state it is. Explore who you were or who you’ll become on this fascinating journey through time and space. Perhaps you will meet your guides, angels or departed loved ones as they accompany you on your spiritual journey of soul exploration. You are infinite and here for a reason; discover what makes you special, and what matters most in your current lifetime.


HOLISTIC TOOLS FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT: Learn effecting strategies to calm and relax you or other instantaneously. Music, aromatherapy and specific relaxation techniques will be explored.


INTUITIVE DRAWING: Explore the hidden meaning behind your drawing and doodles. Learn what specific drawings say about your needs and desires. Discover answers through spontaneous drawing. Be prepared to have fun!


THE MEANING OF COLORS: Every color has a vibration that affects us on all our levels; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Learn where our “chakras” or energy centers are located, as well as it’s corresponding color. Explore techniques that can stimulate or decrease specific colors in order to create balance and harmony in your body, mind and spirit.


SELF WORTH MAGNIFIED FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Discover a difference with Transformational Hypnosis and Energy Medicine. Identify and perform energy medicine exercises to stimulate, ground and relax you. Experience and identify strengths, purpose and hidden talent to enhance self-worth and confidence. You will also learn to soul travel into life between lives state for enhanced clarity and empowerment, and discover options and opportunities for new perception of self.


Note: All seminars can be either one hour, or a 3 hour workshop.

Seminar Testimonials 

“I felt compelled to write to thank you for your truly exceptional presentation at the Institute of Child Study of Kean University. The well, organized, informative and exciting event elicited so many positive comments.


As you know, your audience was made up of faculty, graduate students, and parents. The feedback from all three groups was tremendous. Some of the states I heard were: “I really was amazed to see how effective hypnosis can be on a child’s self-esteem and problem-solving abilities.” “The speaker really motivated me to listen and take notice to what she was doing.” “I loved the way she used her hands to demonstrate healing.” “I’m glad the speaker did a group imagery...this way I learned and received an extra benefit to her presentation.”


The Institute Seminar Program may include up to 20 speakers per year and the reputation is one of quality. Your presentation could only be improved by your agreeing to return to provide a series of seminars to continue our education in your field. You are a truly gifted orator. Please send us a list of all of your topics.

- Dr Marie Segal, Professor SEIS

Director, Institute for Child Study at Kean University:




“Delta Corporate Services has held many Lunch N Learn sessions over the past two years but the Lunch I attended conducted by Dr. Taubenslag was by far, the most unique and thought provoking of them all.


We may all have been tired when we arrived at work that Monday morning, but after the session, our minds were clear, and we all felt extremely revived and ready to go on with the rest of the day.


Dr. Taubenslag showed us, through the usage of music and breathing and her suggestive voice, how to relax in a conscious state. As a person who is always on the run, I found the experience exhilarating and cannot wait to read her books. The feedback from the other staff that attended was so positive, that we have invited Dr.Taubenslag to return for another session.

- Sherry B. Silinger

CFO/Director Corporate Operations of Delta Corporate Services, Inc




Thank you for your outstanding workshop. The group loved your presentation. What a refreshing difference it is to utilize the audience in such an active way. We watched in awe how easily the four volunteers went into past lives. It was so fascinating to see how each one of them transformed into different personalities. Discovering hidden talents was a great idea. So much so, that I wish I had volunteered myself!

- Marlene Leitman, President of Women Into Nurturing & Growing Spirit

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