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"God's Gift of Laughter"

Debra Taubenslag

This is a beautiful oracle card my dear friend, Shelly Stockwell Nicholas (hand-painted for her ME Artful Living card deck. (to order - She suggests to "Pick a card and be your best!" So, that's what I did. I asked for guidance and direction to what is most important now for everyone's highest good. This laughter card literally flew out of the deck and landed on the floor.

Besides being a prolific painter, Shelley is also the president of the International Hypnosis Federation. ( Each week, she with her co-host, Kathi Kennedi, another good friend, ( offer a FREE "Happy Hour" of joy, wisdom, uplifting stories, intuitive exercises, and ridiculously crazy contagious laughter. It's online and you can access it on Facebook. (FREE HYPNOSIS-IHF)

Picking this card was funny to me because yesterday I listened to the longest running psychic radio show in the world hosted by my dear friend, Joyce Keller. ( Her guest, Wes Rocki, MD, ( spoke about the power of laughter and how it raises our immune system. Wes stated how important it was to laugh NOW during this time of Covid; because staying positive and letting go of fear protects and can change our physiology. True words of wisdom because we all know how great we feel after a good belly laugh. No wonder I love people who make me laugh! They raise everyone's energy just by being funny. What a wonderful medicinal gift God has given us to protect ourselves.

My wish for you this holiday is to give the gift of laughter to yourself. We had a lot to deal with in 2020. You deserve this gift. You can do this. Utilize the resources I listed above. Call a friend or relative that makes you laugh. Watch a funny movie (I just watched "HOLIDATE" on Netflix with my family and it made us literally laugh out loud... Stupid funny movie but we felt terrific afterwards). God Bless and Good Laughter to All.

Debra Taubenslag, Author

No Stone Unturned: How My Special Needs Child and I Transformed Against All Odds


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