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Am I thinking stinking thinking?

Debra Taubenslag

Updated: Aug 8, 2024

I recently had a hypnosis client realize that her thoughts created a very distinct reality; and one she felt trapped in. Her emotions compounded her self-defeating thoughts that manifested in a life half empty. Thank goodness her insight gave her a way out of the mental quicksand to create a life of abundant creativity and love. We both knew with certainty that after her hypnosis session, her life was about to change in a bright, colorful and magical way.

In the beginning of her hypnosis session, she allowed herself to communicate with her higher wisdom mind, her God source within. She was told to honor her feelings but not live them. It was important to let go of anything that was not serving her purpose or highest good. Next, she traveled into the life between lives state where she experienced direct communication from loved ones. Each one gave her advice, guidance and support on how to move forward. All reminded her of the power of her thoughts; that they are alive and can either harm or heal. A specific loved one reminded her of an incident where she was told exactly what to do if she had negative thoughts about herself. This comforted the client greatly for she felt the presence of the loved one and the continued guidance of parental support.

She recognized that her "stinking thinking" thoughts can easily be removed from her consciousness, and this included the more difficult ones that seem to be on automatic pilot, like an automatic habit with the power of self-hypnosis. She devised a conscious way to immediately stop the negative thought and replace it with a positive one and see/feel it in the present tense as if it is happening now.

I told her that everyone at times has self-talk "stinking thinking" that needs to be reframed. I shared that when I hear stinking thinking in my head, I immediately visualize myself using an eraser to erase those harmful thoughts. Sometimes if the thoughts persist, I will see a red stop smoking sign with a big slash. This works for me instantly for I practice what I preach.

As I write I am reminded of the cliche "You get more with honey than you do with a sting." This is so true about our thoughts, isn't it? As my good friend, Shelley Stockwell Nicholas, the artist of the painting above says, "Smile All Over Yourself". Of course, she is right. For how can you think stinking thoughts when you are genuinely smiling?



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