“Debra has written a wonderfully user-friendly, self-help, special needs manual.
Her book contains a treasure chest of useful, easily understandable action-items, that are delivered in digestible increments and achievable suggestions.
Debra has essentially created a guided-tour through the multiple phases of raising a child with challenges. Additionally, she has crafted a playbook for involvement and championing special needs advocacy.
But perhaps the loveliest thing that Debra has done with "No Stone Unturned" is that she has empowered those of us who are just your every-day-run-of-the-mill-parents (who are suddenly trying to take care of individuals who's needs are far beyond our pay-grade), with a set of tools and a boat-load of inside secrets, on just how we can parent with a greater sense of grace and love.”
-John C. McGinley, Board Member and International Spokesperson for the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, and National Down Syndrome Society, Author and Actor (most noted for his portrayal of quirky Dr. Perry Fox in Scrubs).
“It’s relatable and full of helpful advice and resource information from both you and Nick which is what so many people with special needs kids need along with HOPE and COURAGE. You certainly give the reader that.”
- Cathy P., mom of a young adult with Asperger syndrome
“I wish this would have been out when we started our journey with my daughter. What a world of information for parents with kids like ours. Not only for info of where to go for help for the kids but also on how to not feel guilty about self-care.
I cried because of your journey and thought of ours feeling so lost and wanting to do everything in our power to give her the best life ever. Crying remembering how she wanted so bad to have friends and how hard it was.... Trying to find her happy place. Thank you, for this is going to help others going forward.”
- Debra B., mom of a young adult with Asperser syndrome
“I thoroughly enjoyed the book! I like the short concise chapters with the recap at the end for a quick review and refreshers after one’s first read. I was never bored, actually every chapter rang true. Really loved the self-care chapter. How heartwarming to see the section written by Nick. It was so honest. I felt his pain, but was moved and uplifted by his accomplishments, great job!”
-Phyllis R., mom of a young adult with Williams syndrome
“The whole book is very interesting. We all, the parents of the special needs children, feel very lonely in dealing with the current and future problems of our children and this book reminds us, that there are other people in the same situation and we are not alone.”
- Mira S., mom of an adult with Asperger syndrome.