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Hi. I'm Dr. Debra Taubenslag.


After three decades of helping people, I  GUARANTEE you will:


  • FEEL GOOD About Yourself.

  • DO GOOD by using your gifts.

  • TEACH GOOD, if you feel the call do so; because planting positive seeds really does make a difference. 




  • Private Sessions; Hypnosis & Intuitive Life Coach

  • Customized Workshops , Lectures and Classes

  • Certified Training in Transpersonal Hypnosis

  • Curated Retreats​​

​​Let me help you FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD or TEACH GOOD.  Reach out to me now at:

Online Development Classes  - Fall 2024

Starting this October begin your journey with:

  • Deep Stress Relief and healing - October

  • Soul Travel for Self Discovery - November

  • Psychic/Mediumship Development - December


Learn more or sign up today to register, click below



YOU are so much more than you realize!

  • Gain insight and clarity into who you really are, what you really want and why it matters that you do it.


  • Learn techniques to enable you to listen and trust your higher-self mind, make decisions and feel good again. 


  • Discover your soul purpose; that deep calling and know that your are here to make a difference in the lives of those you love and the people your were meant to help. 


  • Acquire healing skills you can use anytime on self and others to quickly activate peace of mind and physical calming. 

Take a time-out for yourself now to discover some unconventional ways to recapture your dreams and live and extraordinary life.

Sign up to stay up to date for special promotions, events, and more!

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